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Edward Jenner |
Have you had smallpox? Polio? Typhoid? Prob a bly not. However, such infectious diseases used to plague humankind The word plague comes from one of these killer diseases the bubonic plague. Throughout the four teenth and fifteenth centuries, the plague killed nearly half of the pop u la tion of Europe.
Smallpox killed over 100,000 people a year for a cen tury and left millions horribly scarred and disfigured The influenza epidemic of 1918 killed 25 million worldwide. Po lio killed thousands in the early twen ti eth cen tury and left millions paralyzed.
One simple dis
cov ery not only stopped the spread of each of these dis eases, it vir tu ally eradicated
them. That discovery was vaccinations. Vaccinations have saved millions of lives and have
pre vented unimaginable amounts of misery and suffering. American children
are now reg u larly vaccinated for as many as 15 diseases.